Hi, I am Nikita Khutorni kuto̞rn:i(coo-tor-nee) .
I work on augmenting human cognition.
My goal in life is to help humans transcend our animalistic nature and become more
self-aware. I firmly believe that this is the single most effective lever to advance
humankind. I progress towards this goal by understanding my own mind, studying human
behavior and building tools for self-awareness. At the moment I mostly research and
write about it.
Aside from that, I love entrepreneurship and start-ups. I have been involved in two major
projects so far: GpuMatch
on hold) and Textery
What I do right now
- Co-founder and Lead Frontend at Textery.
- Computer Science student at TU Kaiserslautern.
- Software Engineer at Sociovestix Labs.
What you'll find here
Some of my notes, including daily notes. Soon here will be much more!Reach out to me:
squiggly symbol+