
I want to start writing my own daily blog. Why? I hope the blog helps me sort out my life. It forces me to be consistent as I make a public commitment to write and publish every day.

Why do you need that? I feel stuck. After an exciting and challenging trip to Berlin and the subsequent Covid weeks, I haven’t been able to regain my old level of vigor. Currently, I have no daily routine, terrible focus and low self-confidence. I have been sitting in this lame state for 2 months now. Getting our of this rut and back into full energy is the main driver for making a bigger change. I would be lying if I told you that this was a thought-through decision. It went more like:

I feel stuck and unhappy. I feel like I need to make a change. What is a big enough change? Daily publishing. Some people said that daily publishing is great. I am going to publish daily.

Every other smart reason I could list here would be a rationalization of my stuckness and the hope to achieve a change by being bold. Aside from that, I have always seriously struggled with commitment and sticking to a routine. I want to show myself --- again --- that this is something I am capable of. Still, I also hope to get all the other benefits of publishing daily.

What are you going to write about? Every daily post will be a small update from me. It will be structured as follows:

  1. Daily tracker
  2. Daily note
  3. Links to posts published that day

The daily tracker will mention the following:

  • wake up time and the time I went to bed the previous night
  • checklist of my routine steps that I did This may not be of interest to you so I will hide by default it in a collapsible element.

The daily note is the meat of the matter. It will be personal and reflective. It will contain thoughts with links to other thoughts, ideas, explorations, and valuable stuff I have discovered. However, the main aim is to make it easy for me to write something that day and stick to my writing habit and only secondarily provide value to the reader.

More polished ideas and thoughts will be standalone posts to which I may link from a daily (or any other) post. I use Obsidian as my knowledge base and I plan to display my notes on my website eventually.

Why should I care? You shouldn’t. You may, if you want to.

I enjoy reading people’s personal writing. Reading someone’s thoughts, developed over time, gives me a unique view into the mind of the writer and allows me to establish a deep connection and understanding for them. I find personal stories incredibly inspiring --- they are the most effective tool for getting me off my ass. So naturally, I want to do that too. I want to share my thoughts and learnings, I want to express myself and open myself to the world. I hope to inspire you, dear reader, give you a new perspecitve, and allow you to connect with me.