Here’s an interesting thing I came across: Do you really need 8 hours of sleep every night?
Jen Gunter mentioned the condition Orthosomnia, an obsession with trying to sleep just right. This is something that would be relevant to neurointrospective tools — using such tools would probably also cause people to have unrealistic expectations and try to perfectly adhere to their intended behavior. I talked about this in my article me and my friend wrote for a Uni class a few years ago.
I have plans for tomorrow.
- I have written down my current day composition. It is not optimal: There are things that I spend time on that I don’t value at all, and some things that are really important to me I don’t spend any time on. So I will need to find a way to keep in in my mind how much time I actually want to spend on what and maximize things that are high value.
- Write down my Action plans for my goals.
- Act on them.
- Start using the book my girlfriend gave me for that.