I think I should start tracking my growth in specific skills. Resilience for example.
And I am updating my writing down 3-5 tasks to timeboxing the day.
The funny thing I am realizing is that I have been at a similar place about a year ago. Starting to build habits, trying to develop routines and timebox. Timeboxing has not worked before. The issue is that I have not sticked to the time boxes. And when you can’t trust yourself to keep them, timeboxing becomes useless. So, how can I stick to the time boxes I set for myself?
One step is to accept the failure to finishing a task in a given time box. That is the whole point of timeboxing. But now, I am a person who values their time and is organized (creating a new identity as James Clear suggests).
This means:
- I write down 3-5 most important tasks.
- Figure out the most important.
- Timebox in Google Calendar and start with most important.
Tomorrow I write down my actual action plans for my goals first thing in the morning after my routine. Then I sit down and finish the goddamn thing Kansi wants from me. ~~And take a nap today.~~ Well, I didn’t get up at the time I planned to get up.
Elon Musk supposedly said:
Stop being patient and start asking yourself, how do you accomlish your 10-year plans in 6 months? You’ll likely fail, but will be much further ahead than somebeody who simply accepted that it is going to take 10 years.
Found this great comic about not doing shit even though looming consequences are about to hit: https://iraprince.tumblr.com/post/631158826868031488/hey-im-kicking-off-the-adhdinvasion-hashtag-for