I am building my system now.
Kadiomac talked about The APPS Approach to breaking down work of any size.
I actually wrote down the first tasks in my system today!
Drove back to Kaiserslautern. Started reading Grit by Duckworth. So many learnings to gain from here.
Grit is a combination of passion and purpose. It can be learned. This is the most important aspect to me. In all my life I felt unworthy and unable and incapable.
“I am not somebody who can stick to something. I can’t pull through. I am not good enough.” — All the lies I have been telling myself. I didn’t know it better. “Grit” changes it completely. I don’t need to be the smartest. I need to be the grittiest. And grittiest means that I persevere on something I deeply care about; that I persevere on my self-set purpose. And the perseverance can be learned!
At the same time, I am implementing my system. Everything falls into place. I have everything to succeed. I need the braveness to explore and go after what I want and the perseverance to pull it through.