I did not plan my day today and that made me waste a lot of time. I started writing stuff down for my cover letter. I realized that I want to do things differently. I want to speak from my heart. I want to be truthful. I want my words to speak truth, and truth only. My words allow me to express myself. Exactly as I want.
When you write, your words must go like this:
bim bim bim! bim bim bim! bim bim bim!
Each line must be full of a delicious little juice, flavor. They must be full of power. They must make you like to turn a page.
Bukowski, your words are burnt into my head.
Getting up today took me a lot of effort. It took like 30-40 min longer than usual. It sucked. I had to force myself before each new action.
Now it is 4 am. I want to sleep. I don’t fucking care about Textery.