Today I got to work much later than planned. I started at 4pm. But I used some of the time to update my routine. I even added an evening routine, which I am currently executing on.
One thing that came across my mind today was this note: People waste so much time reading productivity content. There are an inconsumable number of ideas. Trying to take them in feels productive, but isn’t. It creates distraction and paralysis.
He suggested sticking to one book or source of info for a prolonged period of time. Absorbing it fully, chewing and digesting every idea in the piece to its core. Using the material. Applying it immediately and systematically. Memorizing its consituents. Creating overviews and revisiting them.
This reminds me that I need to add spaced repetiion to my routine. I think I’ll put it into the evening.
Also, my evening routine already seems to be too short. I’ll fix it.