My mind riggles and wiggles and jumps everywhere.
It changes direction and pulls on my hair.
But me?
I am
to catch it
Let it run.
Let it jump.
Step back.
I am not my mind.
I let go and let him run.
Run dear mind! Run whereever you please.
I let him.
I am not in the business of catching minds.
I am in the business of being.
Watt’s said:
You may believe yourself out of harmony with life and its eternal Now, but you cannot be, for you are life and exist Now… There is no coming toward it or going away from it; it is, and you are it. So become what you are.
I let my mind run. I am here. I am it. My mind resits my routine. No wonder, it wants to be free!
I caught the glimpse of it today. The meditation sessions enabled me to realize this tiny daunting feeling that throws me off my plans. But I know it now. I see you, tiny scary feeling! I’ll know who you are. I’ll let you dance; and I shall dance too; and my dance shall be as swift as yours, so you won’t step on my feet.