Amor fati

I have seen this concept expressed in some works: Nietzsches Amor fati:

I want to learn more and more to see as beautiful what is necessary in things; then I shall be one of those who makes things beautiful. Amor fati: let that be my love henceforth! I do not want to wage war against what is ugly. I do not want to accuse; I do not even want to accuse those who accuse. Looking away shall be my only negation. And all in all and on the whole: some day I wish to be only a Yes-sayer.

Charles Bukowski (my favourite poet) said to his interviewer:

We’re tough men together — through the horrors of life.

And Hermann Hesse’s Verzückung — “ecstasy” — embodies the same spirit to me, particuarly this passage:

Jeder Rausch ist mir willkommen, Offen steh ich jeder Pein, Ströme betend, hingenommen Mit ins Herz der Welt hinein.


Every intoxication is welcome to me, I am open to every anguish, Praying, in acquiescence, I stream Along into the heart of the world.

The Serenity Prayer captures the idea of accepting fate and focus and what can be changed:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,\ courage to change the things I can,\ and wisdom to know the difference.

The Zen Story - Maybe (attributed to Alan Watts) captures the same idea.

The question is — how to live Amor fati? What are the exact steps needed to approach this state of mind? Also see here.

Accept what is now. Love it.